Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hey Guys!

This is an old rant I made earlier this month but never posted. (I'm too lazy to finish it)

First order of business, new rant. Okay, so on the Facebook page of some random figure skating club in my state, I saw a video of a girl in Non-Test. (which is pretty much the lowest competition level of them all) She was 8 years old, and her technique could have been better. But the thing that stuck out the most to me was, SHE WAS WEARING AN EXACT REPLICA OF GRACIE GOLD'S FREE SKATE DRESS!

So, I decided to do some research, and not only was that dress made by the same designer, he said himself that the dress costs, (wait for it) OVER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! Why?? The girl is only in Non-Test! She probably can only do an axel in a harness! Heck, maybe she's never even DONE an axel! And don't you tell me, "Oh, she can reuse it!" Because after one competition season or moving up a level, you won't use that dress unless you're recycling your program for the next season (which I kind of hope she does. That dress is expensive) because before the beginning of a new season, they would usually have a whole other program planned with a new dress to match the music.


Hey guys! Missed you! So sorry for being absent for sooooo long! I've had play practice, skating, the school play, the Christmas show at the ice rink, and I moved just 2 weeks ago. Plus I still have homework to do. Just wanted to let any readers I still have know that I most likely wont be doing my AG stakeout this year because where we moved to, Comcast is the only cable provider they have, and my dad HATES Comcast, so we have some sort of T-Mobile WIFI hotspot till my dad forgives Comcast for whatever they did. And the hotspot is super slow. Like it can take 10 minutes for a single picture to load. If it loads at all. BUT! I still wanted to wish you guys a very very very happy New Year!
