Okay Listen up. This blog used to be about American Girl, But Now, It's pretty much a blog for ranting, posting videos, and more! But if requested, I might do something American Girl related like do a movie review or make my own version of Cinema Sins or HISHE doll version okay I've said too much...
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Hey Guys!
This is an old rant I made earlier this month but never posted. (I'm too lazy to finish it)
First order of business, new rant. Okay, so on the Facebook page of some random figure skating club in my state, I saw a video of a girl in Non-Test. (which is pretty much the lowest competition level of them all) She was 8 years old, and her technique could have been better. But the thing that stuck out the most to me was, SHE WAS WEARING AN EXACT REPLICA OF GRACIE GOLD'S FREE SKATE DRESS!
So, I decided to do some research, and not only was that dress made by the same designer, he said himself that the dress costs, (wait for it) OVER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! Why?? The girl is only in Non-Test! She probably can only do an axel in a harness! Heck, maybe she's never even DONE an axel! And don't you tell me, "Oh, she can reuse it!" Because after one competition season or moving up a level, you won't use that dress unless you're recycling your program for the next season (which I kind of hope she does. That dress is expensive) because before the beginning of a new season, they would usually have a whole other program planned with a new dress to match the music.
Hey guys! Missed you! So sorry for being absent for sooooo long! I've had play practice, skating, the school play, the Christmas show at the ice rink, and I moved just 2 weeks ago. Plus I still have homework to do. Just wanted to let any readers I still have know that I most likely wont be doing my AG stakeout this year because where we moved to, Comcast is the only cable provider they have, and my dad HATES Comcast, so we have some sort of T-Mobile WIFI hotspot till my dad forgives Comcast for whatever they did. And the hotspot is super slow. Like it can take 10 minutes for a single picture to load. If it loads at all. BUT! I still wanted to wish you guys a very very very happy New Year!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Jackson Classiques vs. Jackson Freestyles
Okay, for awhile, there have been two different skates I've had my eye on, Jackson Classique and Jackson Freestyle. As you can see, these skates are from the same company. And I've noticed that they have tried to make the JF look more professional than the JC by pricing them higher, and making slight modifications to them, but in reality, they are pretty much the same. Or are they..
Let's check out the descriptions, shall we?
Jackson Freestyles
Leather Upper polyurethane coated for easy care.
Jackson Classiques
Leather Upper polyurethane coated for easy care.
The only differences are the sole, tongue, and blade. The Mirage blade is more of recreational blade, while the Aspire is probably for more serious things. And the tongue on the Classique would probably make it easier to break them in, while the sole on the Freestyle are lighter than the Classique.
Now, let's see the level requirements for the skates.
Jackson Freestyles
USFSA Basic 8, Freestyle 1-4
ISI Freestyle Test 3,4
Skate Canada Canskate Stages 6,7, Pre-Preliminary
Jackson Classique
USFSA Basic 8, Freestyle 1-4
ISI Freestyle Test 3,4
Skate Canada Canskate Stages 6,7, Pre-Preliminary
See the difference? No? That's because there is none! They have the same level requirements, so if you were in either of these levels, It really would not matter.
And then there's pricing
Jackson Freestyles
Jackson Classiques
Overall, I think I would go with the Classiques. Despite the fact they have a recreational blade, they have foam padding, which would most likely make it easier to break them in. Plus, the price won't break the bank as much, and I bet they could last until double jumps.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Pumpkin Spice Latte Review
Hey guys! So, this week I finally had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte, and I thought I would do a review on it. Sadly, there will not be any pictures because me and my mom forgot to get something for my sister, and we didn't want to have to deal with her when we got home, so I had to drink it in the car.
Anyways, my first thought when I took a sip was, "This reminds me of pumpkin pie!" But that feeling did not last long, because after awhile, that pumpkin spice taste kinda faded. And I think it's because they only put the spices on the whipped cream. So it just started to taste like a regular Starbucks latte.
Overall, I really loved the taste of this latte, but I feel as if they could have added some pumpkin spice to the actual latte. I give this an 8 out of ten, and will definitely buy this again!
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @_ihsommoshi_! Bye!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
This is an old post that I never published for some reason, so I thought that I might as well do it now that I'm here.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGGOMGOMG! Did you spot the double G? If you did then your a true Dance Moms fan! Okay enough with that... Guess what? There is less than a month before DM season 4!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Here are the top three things I am looking forward too
1. Payton (hopefully) getting kicked off the team. Seriously, she's just Brook's replacement, and her mother is rude and obnoxious. If she becomes a permanent member of the team, all heck is going to break loose. For example, everybody is going to be soo busy fighting that the show will start to become truly all about the moms. I mean Leslie is super annoying. I get it that she just wants the best for Payton, and I'm sure Payton is a sweet girl on the inside, but I just can't deal with her mother any longer.
2. I can't wait for next season's dance routines! Nia, Paige, and Kendall have gotten so much better with their dancing skills and Chloe, Mackenzie, and Maddie are doing better and better every year. I just kinda wish that Abby would treat the others like equals instead of just praising Maddie and then telling the others that they stink...
3. NATIONALS! Even though Nationals means the end of the season, they are usually more entertaining than the other episodes with Cathy trying to hard to defeat Abby with celebrity choreographers and a butt load of crap. But of course, last years drama was COMPLETLY over the top. With Leslie and Christi getting into that mega fight resulting with Kristi with a K leaving with Asia, and Abby sending both Chloe and Payton home...
And here is the top two things I am LEAST exited for!
1. Who from AUDC Cathy will recruit. Seriously, Cathy just hires people to stab Abby in the back! Like last season! She had two people from AUDC!!! This will be a whole other blog post.
2. New people at ALDC. As most of you know, at the reunion show, Abby announced that she was holding auditions for the elite team. It's annoying cause whenever there's a new kid at ALDC, everybody gets super mad and the moms pick on the poor new mother until she leaves. Seriously, new kids just seem awkward around the girls, but the mothers have it ten times worse.
Well, that's it for tonight! Are you excited for season 4? What are you looking forward to most? Leave your comments down below!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGGOMGOMG! Did you spot the double G? If you did then your a true Dance Moms fan! Okay enough with that... Guess what? There is less than a month before DM season 4!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Here are the top three things I am looking forward too
1. Payton (hopefully) getting kicked off the team. Seriously, she's just Brook's replacement, and her mother is rude and obnoxious. If she becomes a permanent member of the team, all heck is going to break loose. For example, everybody is going to be soo busy fighting that the show will start to become truly all about the moms. I mean Leslie is super annoying. I get it that she just wants the best for Payton, and I'm sure Payton is a sweet girl on the inside, but I just can't deal with her mother any longer.
2. I can't wait for next season's dance routines! Nia, Paige, and Kendall have gotten so much better with their dancing skills and Chloe, Mackenzie, and Maddie are doing better and better every year. I just kinda wish that Abby would treat the others like equals instead of just praising Maddie and then telling the others that they stink...
3. NATIONALS! Even though Nationals means the end of the season, they are usually more entertaining than the other episodes with Cathy trying to hard to defeat Abby with celebrity choreographers and a butt load of crap. But of course, last years drama was COMPLETLY over the top. With Leslie and Christi getting into that mega fight resulting with Kristi with a K leaving with Asia, and Abby sending both Chloe and Payton home...
And here is the top two things I am LEAST exited for!
1. Who from AUDC Cathy will recruit. Seriously, Cathy just hires people to stab Abby in the back! Like last season! She had two people from AUDC!!! This will be a whole other blog post.
2. New people at ALDC. As most of you know, at the reunion show, Abby announced that she was holding auditions for the elite team. It's annoying cause whenever there's a new kid at ALDC, everybody gets super mad and the moms pick on the poor new mother until she leaves. Seriously, new kids just seem awkward around the girls, but the mothers have it ten times worse.
Well, that's it for tonight! Are you excited for season 4? What are you looking forward to most? Leave your comments down below!
It's Been A While....
Okay before I apologize for being MIA, I saw this question on Yahoo Answers.
Anyways, I just really had to get that off my chest. I'm really sorry for not posting these past few months. I've just been busy with skating, tutoring, school, and more. I'm most likely not going to post very much anymore with me going into 8th grade, and figure skating, but I will try to post at least once a month. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
ok so! I'm 17 and i know thats a bit late to start but the thing is, i'm not an average figure skater. EVERYONE tells me im super special and im the fastest learner they've ever seen.
i've only been skating for a few months, and i can already do stuff from basic 2 even tho I'm only in basic 1. i can skate backwards and dip while moving! and no one in my class can even stand up.
so, i know 19 year olds can get into the olympics, but i want to go to the upcoming one in asia. will 4 years be enough for me to learn a quad axel? i want something really impressive to make my dedication stand out. also how do you do a quad axel? i can already do a 2 foot jump on the spot and i can kinda do it while moving. what should i practice? do u need special clothes to do it? like chloe noel ect?
i've only been skating for a few months, and i can already do stuff from basic 2 even tho I'm only in basic 1. i can skate backwards and dip while moving! and no one in my class can even stand up.
so, i know 19 year olds can get into the olympics, but i want to go to the upcoming one in asia. will 4 years be enough for me to learn a quad axel? i want something really impressive to make my dedication stand out. also how do you do a quad axel? i can already do a 2 foot jump on the spot and i can kinda do it while moving. what should i practice? do u need special clothes to do it? like chloe noel ect?
Additional Details
im not trolling! and everyone at my school says im good too. soooo......
2 days ago
and i already have a zuca that i use to put rental skates in, do i have 2 buy my own skates?
First off, are you for real? I learned how to do a dip the first time I stepped out on ice! And those people in your class who can barely stand up are most likely LITTLE KIDS! So please don't compare yourself to them.
Second, why the heck do you have a Zuca bag for RENTAL SKATES?! There is no reason for you to even be wanting a Zuca bag if you don't have skates! And, your only in Basic one! I just got a Zuca, but I am in Basic 8. Plus I actually have skates to put in my bag.
Third, your an idiot if you think your going to the Olympics. Those skater you've seen on tv basically LIVE at the rink and have been practicing since they were 3-7 years old. Oh, and there are some Olympians who can't do a triple axel! Much less a quad!
Fourth, and last of all, since your only in basic one, Chloe Noel would be a total waste. The matching jackets are even more of a waste! You should just wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt.
Anyways, I just really had to get that off my chest. I'm really sorry for not posting these past few months. I've just been busy with skating, tutoring, school, and more. I'm most likely not going to post very much anymore with me going into 8th grade, and figure skating, but I will try to post at least once a month. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Rules and Guidelines
Hey guys! I thought that I would give you the rules and guidelines for the Try New Moves contest!
Remember to scroll down to read the entire thing! Have a happy New Year's!
American Girl: Girl of the Year ® 2014 - Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes: FINAL
1) SPONSOR: American Girl Brands, LLC, 8400 Fairway Place, Middleton, WI 53562
2) SWEEPSTAKES CALENDAR AND TIMING: The Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) starts January 1, 2014 at 12:00 am CT and ends July 31, 2014 at 11:59 pm CT (the “Sweepstakes Period”). You may only enter online. The Sweepstakes consists of seven (7) monthly drawings with one winner per month, totaling seven (7) monthly winners and one (1) Grand Prize drawing for one (1) Grand Prize winner that will be selected on or around August 8, 2014. The Grand Prize drawing is limited to one entry per person for the entire Sweepstakes Period. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, there will be seven (7) separate entry periods as follows: January 1, 2014 – January 31, 2014, February 1, 2014 – February 28, 2014, March 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014, April 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014, May 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014, June 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 and July 1, 2014 – July 31, 2014 that will run from the beginning to the end of each month (January 2014 – July 2014) and during the course of the Sweepstakes one winner will be selected at the end of month and notified no later than the 15th day of the following month. All monthly entries submitted including the seven (7) monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize. Parent or legal guardian for all winners will be notified by e-mail provided on entry form. All entrants are required to register at the Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes website www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to be eligible for winner selection(s). Entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), their date of birth for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner.
Sponsor and its agents are not responsible for any computer system, online, phone line, hardware, software, program or technical malfunctions, or other errors, failures, delays or errors whether human or technical in nature that occur in the processing, transmission or receipt of registration or for inaccurate transcription of submission information or for delays or failures in network connections or computer transmissions. If for any reason the Sweepstakes is not capable of being conducted as planned, including but not limited to infection by computer, virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes beyond the control of Sponsor, Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, or suspend the contest. Participant may not register with multiple email addresses nor may entrants use any other device or artifice to register multiple times or as multiple registrants. Any participant who attempts to enter with multiple email addresses under multiple identities will be disqualified and forfeits any and all prizes won, in Sponsor’s discretion.
3) ELIGIBILITY: Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States or District of Columbia, girls 8-13 years of age at time of entry who have obtained their parent or legal guardian’s approval prior to entering. Officers, directors, and employees (and members of their household or immediate family, i.e. parents, children, spouse, siblings, grandparents, the “steps” of each and persons residing in such immediate family members' household) of Sponsor (American Girl Brands, LLC), Administrator, their respective parent, related, affiliated and subsidiary companies, their advertising, promotion and web design agencies, all other entities involved in the creation, administration, or fulfillment of the Sweepstakes and their respective successors and assigns (collectively, “Promotion Entities”) are not eligible to enter or win. Void in Puerto Rico, U.S. territories and possessions, and wherever prohibited or restricted by law.
4) HOW TO ENTER: No purchase, entry fee, payment, or proof-of-purchase necessary to participate. Entrants will be required to register at the Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes website at www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to participate. Entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), their date of birth for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner. Throughout the course of the Sweepstakes, no identifiable information will be collected. Entrants do not need to complete any tasks or activities other than logging in to be entered into the sweepstakes. Each entrant who registers for a monthly drawing will be automatically entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Limit one (1) Entry per person for the Grand Prize sweepstakes. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, entrants are eligible to enter one time per month for a chance to win that month’s prize. All monthly entrants are required to re-enter each month for a chance to win the monthly sweepstakes. Monthly entries will not be rolled over to next month’s Monthly drawing but will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. If an entrant is a winner in a given monthly sweepstakes, they will be ineligible to win any of the remaining monthly sweepstakes. All monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize at the end of the Sweepstakes Period. In the event of a dispute over the identity of any potential winner, the Entry will be declared by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry, and the potential winner may be required to provide identification sufficient to show that he/she is the authorized account holder of such e-mail address. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant’s parent or legal guardian to notify the Sponsor in writing if the entrant changes his or her e-mail, telephone number or postal address during the Sweepstakes Period. All Entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be returned. Each Entry submission must be manually key stroked and manually entered by the individual entrant; automated and/or repetitive electronic submission of Entries (including but not limited to entries made using any script, macro, bot, or sweepstakes service) will be disqualified and transmissions from these or related email or IP addresses may be blocked.
5) PRIZE NOTIFICATION: Parents or legal guardians of winning entrants will be contacted via e-mail given at the time of entry. The seven (7) monthly winners will be notified no later than the fifteenth day of the following month of entry and must confirm within five (5) days of receipt of the e-mail and must return paperwork within 10 business days of receipt. The one (1) Grand Prize Winner will be notified via e-mail on or around August 8, 2014 and must confirm within five (5) days of receipt of the email postmarked date and must return paperwork within 10 business days of receipt. Failure to claim prize and provide the requested information within ten (10) days of notification, or if prize notification is undeliverable, will result in disqualification and an alternate entrant will be selected and notified. All prizes won by minors will be awarded to parent or legal guardian who must sign and return all required documentation. All winners must sign and return an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within 10 days of notification sent.
6) PRIZES/ODDS OF WINNING: There will be seven (7) monthly winners and one (1) Grand Prize winner totaling eight (8) winners for this Sweepstakes. Each monthly winner will receive a 2014 Girl of the Year® doll and book. Approx. retail value $120. The one (1) Grand Prize winner will receive round trip coach airfare for four (4) people from a major U.S. international airport closest in proximity to Grand Prize winner’s home arriving to a major U.S. international airport in New York (LaGuardia Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport or Newark Liberty International Airport) to-be-determined by Sponsor (ARV: $2,000), hotel accommodations for three (3) nights at The New York Palace hotel in a Tower Two queen guestroom (quad occupancy) plus an American Girl amenities package (includes a complimentary American Girl doll-sized travel bed to take home and special sweet treat upon arrival) (ARV: $2,750) one (1) day’s breakfast for four (4) at Villard Michel Richard (inclusive of tax and gratuity) (ARV: $250), four (4) tickets to a New York City Ballet performance of The Nutcracker (TBD date and seat #’s) (ARV: $500), one (1) 2014 Girl of the Year doll and book (ARV: $120), $500 food/spending allowance, $150 for transportation allowance in the form of a Visa gift card to be used in New York City, and a personalized day at American Girl Place in New York City including a meal for two (2) in the American Girl CafĂ©, $130 in spending money to be used at American Girl Place in New York City on the day of the visit, one (1) style at the Doll Hair Salon, and one (1) set of girl and doll matching American Girl Place NY souvenir t-shirts (ARV: $260), and $70 in incremental costs for two (2) dining guests at American Girl Place. Grand Prize ARV: $6,600. Monthly Winners ARV: $840. Total Sweepstakes ARV: $7,440. Sponsor, in its sole discretion may provide the Grand Prize winner and guests with ground transportation in the form of a gas allowance or hired car to New York City, NY if Grand Prize winner resides within 250 miles or less of New York City, NY. Exact travel dates and arrangements subject to availability. Trip must be taken December 5 – December 8, 2014. If Grand Prize winner wants to extend on the front end or back end of the trip, Sponsor can arrange this, subject to availability, however Grand Prize winner is responsible for any additional flight, hotel, meals, transportation, travel, taxes, and any other travel fees associated with extending the trip. If the Grand Prize winner is unable to travel during the designated travel dates, the trip will be forfeited in its entirety and an alternate winner will be selected provided cancellation occurs prior to October 29, 2014.
All expenses not specifically mentioned above are not included and are solely the Grand Prize winner’s and her guests’ responsibility including, but not limited to: round trip transportation between the Grand Prize winner’s residence and the departure airport, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, food (except as provided herein), gratuities and tips, incidental and personal expenses, insurance, laundry service, luggage fees, merchandise, mini-bar, parking, room service, service charges, souvenirs, telephone calls and all other expenses incidental to the acceptance, participation in and enjoyment of the Grand Prize trip. Prizes are non-transferable; no prize substitutions or cash redemptions allowed, except as provided herein. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to substitute a prize of equal or greater value if advertised Grand Prize becomes unavailable. Prizes may not be sold, bartered, or exchanged by winner. The Grand Prize is subject to additional terms and conditions printed thereon. By accepting the Grand Prize, the winner acknowledges compliance with these Official Rules. All federal, state, or other tax liabilities arising from acceptance of the Grand Prize in this Sweepstakes are the sole responsibility of the Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of his/her Grand Prize during the calendar year that the Grand Prize is used. Any difference between the stated approximate retail value and the actual value of the Grand Prize will not be awarded.
The Grand Prize winner and her guest(s) must travel on the same itinerary, and all travel arrangements must be made with Sponsor or Sponsor’s agent. Guest(s) accompanying Grand Prize winner must also sign and return liability /publicity releases prior to ticketing. Guest(s) may not be a minor in his/her respective state of residence unless Grand Prize winner is his/her parent/legal guardian, a minor guest's parent/legal guardian is accompanying him/her as another of Grand Prize winner's travel companions, or a minor's parent/legal guardian has signed and returned a notarized Sponsor Liability/Publicity Release, as allowed by state law, within the specified return period, consenting to his/her minor's participation in the Grand Prize trip. Minors must be accompanied at all times during trip (including, but not limited to, in-flight, hotel stay and all prize-related events) by minor’s parent or legal guardian. Winner and guest(s) are solely responsible for having all necessary identification and/or travel documents (e.g., a valid U.S. driver’s license or Passport) required for travel.
Odds of winning a monthly prize depend upon the number of eligible entries received each month. Odds of winning Grand Prize depend on number of eligible entries received during the entire sweepstakes period.
8) GENERAL: Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, with venue in Dane County, Wisconsin, and all claims must be resolved in the state or federal courts of Dane County, Wisconsin. By entering this Sweepstakes, participants agree to abide by and be bound by these Official Sweepstakes Rules and the decisions of the judges, which are final in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Promotion Entities also reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Sweepstakes. This Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. By participating in the Sweepstakes, participants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the judging organization and waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Sweepstakes or these Official Rules. Participants also agree to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Sweepstakes Entities, and the officers, employees and agents of each, from and against any claims, damages or liability due to any injuries, damages or losses to any person (including death) or property of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse, use, loss, or misdirection of any prize, or participation in any Sweepstakes-related activity or participation in this Sweepstakes, or any other error in the offering or announcement of any prize and hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, other than for actual out of pocket expenses; all causes of action arising out of or connected with this contest, or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; and any and all claims, judgments, and award shall be limited to actual out of pocket costs incurred, excluding attorneys’ fees and court costs. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, , incomplete or misdirected entries. If you are a winner, your information may also be included in a publicly available winner’s list. Please see the privacy policy located at http://store.americangirl.com/static/popups/privacy.html for details of Sponsor’s policy regarding the use of information collected in connection with this game.
9) WINNERS’ LIST/RULES: For the names of the prize winners or full set of rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to Girl of the Year 2014 - Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 620497, Middleton, WI 53562-0497. Please specify “winners list” or “rules” in your request. All such requests must be received by September 30, 2014.
ABBREVIATED OFFICIAL RULES- American Girl: Girl of the Year® 2014 - Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes
NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. MANY WILL ENTER, FEW WILL WIN. Open to legal residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and U.S. territories and possessions), who are girls 8 - 13 years of age at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Sweepstakes begins on January 1, 2014 at 12:00 am CT and ends July 31, 2014 at 11:59 pm CT. There will be a total of eight (8) winning entrants, (7) monthly winners and (1) Grand Prize Winner. The seven (7) separate monthly entry periods are as follows: January 1, 2014 – January 31, 2014, February 1, 2014 – February 28, 2014, March 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014, April 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014, May 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014, June 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 and July 1, 2014 – July 31, 2014 that will run from the beginning to the end of each month (January 2014 – July 2014). Each entrant who registers for a monthly drawing will be automatically entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Limit one (1) Entry per person for the Grand Prize sweepstakes. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, entrants are eligible to enter one time per month for a chance to win that month’s prize. All monthly entrants are required to re-enter each month for a chance to win the monthly sweepstakes. Monthly entries will not be rolled over to next month’s Monthly drawing but will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. If an entrant is a winner in a given monthly sweepstakes, they will be ineligible to win any of the remaining monthly sweepstakes. All monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize at the end of the Sweepstakes Period. Entrants MUST register via the Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes website at www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to register to win. All entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), provide a birthday for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner. For the names of the prize winners or a full set of rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to Girl of the Year ® 2014 Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes P.O. Box 620497, Middleton, WI 53562-0497. Please specify “winners list” or “rules” in your request. Requests must be received by September 30, 2014. SPONSOR/PROMOTIONAL ENTITY: American Girl Brands, LLC, 8400 Fairway Place, Middleton, WI 53562. Subject to complete official rules.
1) SPONSOR: American Girl Brands, LLC, 8400 Fairway Place, Middleton, WI 53562
2) SWEEPSTAKES CALENDAR AND TIMING: The Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) starts January 1, 2014 at 12:00 am CT and ends July 31, 2014 at 11:59 pm CT (the “Sweepstakes Period”). You may only enter online. The Sweepstakes consists of seven (7) monthly drawings with one winner per month, totaling seven (7) monthly winners and one (1) Grand Prize drawing for one (1) Grand Prize winner that will be selected on or around August 8, 2014. The Grand Prize drawing is limited to one entry per person for the entire Sweepstakes Period. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, there will be seven (7) separate entry periods as follows: January 1, 2014 – January 31, 2014, February 1, 2014 – February 28, 2014, March 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014, April 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014, May 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014, June 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 and July 1, 2014 – July 31, 2014 that will run from the beginning to the end of each month (January 2014 – July 2014) and during the course of the Sweepstakes one winner will be selected at the end of month and notified no later than the 15th day of the following month. All monthly entries submitted including the seven (7) monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize. Parent or legal guardian for all winners will be notified by e-mail provided on entry form. All entrants are required to register at the Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes website www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to be eligible for winner selection(s). Entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), their date of birth for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner.
Sponsor and its agents are not responsible for any computer system, online, phone line, hardware, software, program or technical malfunctions, or other errors, failures, delays or errors whether human or technical in nature that occur in the processing, transmission or receipt of registration or for inaccurate transcription of submission information or for delays or failures in network connections or computer transmissions. If for any reason the Sweepstakes is not capable of being conducted as planned, including but not limited to infection by computer, virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes beyond the control of Sponsor, Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, or suspend the contest. Participant may not register with multiple email addresses nor may entrants use any other device or artifice to register multiple times or as multiple registrants. Any participant who attempts to enter with multiple email addresses under multiple identities will be disqualified and forfeits any and all prizes won, in Sponsor’s discretion.
3) ELIGIBILITY: Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States or District of Columbia, girls 8-13 years of age at time of entry who have obtained their parent or legal guardian’s approval prior to entering. Officers, directors, and employees (and members of their household or immediate family, i.e. parents, children, spouse, siblings, grandparents, the “steps” of each and persons residing in such immediate family members' household) of Sponsor (American Girl Brands, LLC), Administrator, their respective parent, related, affiliated and subsidiary companies, their advertising, promotion and web design agencies, all other entities involved in the creation, administration, or fulfillment of the Sweepstakes and their respective successors and assigns (collectively, “Promotion Entities”) are not eligible to enter or win. Void in Puerto Rico, U.S. territories and possessions, and wherever prohibited or restricted by law.
4) HOW TO ENTER: No purchase, entry fee, payment, or proof-of-purchase necessary to participate. Entrants will be required to register at the Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes website at www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to participate. Entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), their date of birth for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner. Throughout the course of the Sweepstakes, no identifiable information will be collected. Entrants do not need to complete any tasks or activities other than logging in to be entered into the sweepstakes. Each entrant who registers for a monthly drawing will be automatically entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Limit one (1) Entry per person for the Grand Prize sweepstakes. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, entrants are eligible to enter one time per month for a chance to win that month’s prize. All monthly entrants are required to re-enter each month for a chance to win the monthly sweepstakes. Monthly entries will not be rolled over to next month’s Monthly drawing but will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. If an entrant is a winner in a given monthly sweepstakes, they will be ineligible to win any of the remaining monthly sweepstakes. All monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize at the end of the Sweepstakes Period. In the event of a dispute over the identity of any potential winner, the Entry will be declared by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry, and the potential winner may be required to provide identification sufficient to show that he/she is the authorized account holder of such e-mail address. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant’s parent or legal guardian to notify the Sponsor in writing if the entrant changes his or her e-mail, telephone number or postal address during the Sweepstakes Period. All Entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be returned. Each Entry submission must be manually key stroked and manually entered by the individual entrant; automated and/or repetitive electronic submission of Entries (including but not limited to entries made using any script, macro, bot, or sweepstakes service) will be disqualified and transmissions from these or related email or IP addresses may be blocked.
5) PRIZE NOTIFICATION: Parents or legal guardians of winning entrants will be contacted via e-mail given at the time of entry. The seven (7) monthly winners will be notified no later than the fifteenth day of the following month of entry and must confirm within five (5) days of receipt of the e-mail and must return paperwork within 10 business days of receipt. The one (1) Grand Prize Winner will be notified via e-mail on or around August 8, 2014 and must confirm within five (5) days of receipt of the email postmarked date and must return paperwork within 10 business days of receipt. Failure to claim prize and provide the requested information within ten (10) days of notification, or if prize notification is undeliverable, will result in disqualification and an alternate entrant will be selected and notified. All prizes won by minors will be awarded to parent or legal guardian who must sign and return all required documentation. All winners must sign and return an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within 10 days of notification sent.
6) PRIZES/ODDS OF WINNING: There will be seven (7) monthly winners and one (1) Grand Prize winner totaling eight (8) winners for this Sweepstakes. Each monthly winner will receive a 2014 Girl of the Year® doll and book. Approx. retail value $120. The one (1) Grand Prize winner will receive round trip coach airfare for four (4) people from a major U.S. international airport closest in proximity to Grand Prize winner’s home arriving to a major U.S. international airport in New York (LaGuardia Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport or Newark Liberty International Airport) to-be-determined by Sponsor (ARV: $2,000), hotel accommodations for three (3) nights at The New York Palace hotel in a Tower Two queen guestroom (quad occupancy) plus an American Girl amenities package (includes a complimentary American Girl doll-sized travel bed to take home and special sweet treat upon arrival) (ARV: $2,750) one (1) day’s breakfast for four (4) at Villard Michel Richard (inclusive of tax and gratuity) (ARV: $250), four (4) tickets to a New York City Ballet performance of The Nutcracker (TBD date and seat #’s) (ARV: $500), one (1) 2014 Girl of the Year doll and book (ARV: $120), $500 food/spending allowance, $150 for transportation allowance in the form of a Visa gift card to be used in New York City, and a personalized day at American Girl Place in New York City including a meal for two (2) in the American Girl CafĂ©, $130 in spending money to be used at American Girl Place in New York City on the day of the visit, one (1) style at the Doll Hair Salon, and one (1) set of girl and doll matching American Girl Place NY souvenir t-shirts (ARV: $260), and $70 in incremental costs for two (2) dining guests at American Girl Place. Grand Prize ARV: $6,600. Monthly Winners ARV: $840. Total Sweepstakes ARV: $7,440. Sponsor, in its sole discretion may provide the Grand Prize winner and guests with ground transportation in the form of a gas allowance or hired car to New York City, NY if Grand Prize winner resides within 250 miles or less of New York City, NY. Exact travel dates and arrangements subject to availability. Trip must be taken December 5 – December 8, 2014. If Grand Prize winner wants to extend on the front end or back end of the trip, Sponsor can arrange this, subject to availability, however Grand Prize winner is responsible for any additional flight, hotel, meals, transportation, travel, taxes, and any other travel fees associated with extending the trip. If the Grand Prize winner is unable to travel during the designated travel dates, the trip will be forfeited in its entirety and an alternate winner will be selected provided cancellation occurs prior to October 29, 2014.
All expenses not specifically mentioned above are not included and are solely the Grand Prize winner’s and her guests’ responsibility including, but not limited to: round trip transportation between the Grand Prize winner’s residence and the departure airport, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, food (except as provided herein), gratuities and tips, incidental and personal expenses, insurance, laundry service, luggage fees, merchandise, mini-bar, parking, room service, service charges, souvenirs, telephone calls and all other expenses incidental to the acceptance, participation in and enjoyment of the Grand Prize trip. Prizes are non-transferable; no prize substitutions or cash redemptions allowed, except as provided herein. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to substitute a prize of equal or greater value if advertised Grand Prize becomes unavailable. Prizes may not be sold, bartered, or exchanged by winner. The Grand Prize is subject to additional terms and conditions printed thereon. By accepting the Grand Prize, the winner acknowledges compliance with these Official Rules. All federal, state, or other tax liabilities arising from acceptance of the Grand Prize in this Sweepstakes are the sole responsibility of the Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of his/her Grand Prize during the calendar year that the Grand Prize is used. Any difference between the stated approximate retail value and the actual value of the Grand Prize will not be awarded.
The Grand Prize winner and her guest(s) must travel on the same itinerary, and all travel arrangements must be made with Sponsor or Sponsor’s agent. Guest(s) accompanying Grand Prize winner must also sign and return liability /publicity releases prior to ticketing. Guest(s) may not be a minor in his/her respective state of residence unless Grand Prize winner is his/her parent/legal guardian, a minor guest's parent/legal guardian is accompanying him/her as another of Grand Prize winner's travel companions, or a minor's parent/legal guardian has signed and returned a notarized Sponsor Liability/Publicity Release, as allowed by state law, within the specified return period, consenting to his/her minor's participation in the Grand Prize trip. Minors must be accompanied at all times during trip (including, but not limited to, in-flight, hotel stay and all prize-related events) by minor’s parent or legal guardian. Winner and guest(s) are solely responsible for having all necessary identification and/or travel documents (e.g., a valid U.S. driver’s license or Passport) required for travel.
Odds of winning a monthly prize depend upon the number of eligible entries received each month. Odds of winning Grand Prize depend on number of eligible entries received during the entire sweepstakes period.
8) GENERAL: Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, with venue in Dane County, Wisconsin, and all claims must be resolved in the state or federal courts of Dane County, Wisconsin. By entering this Sweepstakes, participants agree to abide by and be bound by these Official Sweepstakes Rules and the decisions of the judges, which are final in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Promotion Entities also reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Sweepstakes. This Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. By participating in the Sweepstakes, participants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the judging organization and waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Sweepstakes or these Official Rules. Participants also agree to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Sweepstakes Entities, and the officers, employees and agents of each, from and against any claims, damages or liability due to any injuries, damages or losses to any person (including death) or property of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse, use, loss, or misdirection of any prize, or participation in any Sweepstakes-related activity or participation in this Sweepstakes, or any other error in the offering or announcement of any prize and hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, other than for actual out of pocket expenses; all causes of action arising out of or connected with this contest, or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; and any and all claims, judgments, and award shall be limited to actual out of pocket costs incurred, excluding attorneys’ fees and court costs. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, , incomplete or misdirected entries. If you are a winner, your information may also be included in a publicly available winner’s list. Please see the privacy policy located at http://store.americangirl.com/static/popups/privacy.html for details of Sponsor’s policy regarding the use of information collected in connection with this game.
9) WINNERS’ LIST/RULES: For the names of the prize winners or full set of rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to Girl of the Year 2014 - Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 620497, Middleton, WI 53562-0497. Please specify “winners list” or “rules” in your request. All such requests must be received by September 30, 2014.
ABBREVIATED OFFICIAL RULES- American Girl: Girl of the Year® 2014 - Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes
NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. MANY WILL ENTER, FEW WILL WIN. Open to legal residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and U.S. territories and possessions), who are girls 8 - 13 years of age at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Sweepstakes begins on January 1, 2014 at 12:00 am CT and ends July 31, 2014 at 11:59 pm CT. There will be a total of eight (8) winning entrants, (7) monthly winners and (1) Grand Prize Winner. The seven (7) separate monthly entry periods are as follows: January 1, 2014 – January 31, 2014, February 1, 2014 – February 28, 2014, March 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014, April 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014, May 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014, June 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 and July 1, 2014 – July 31, 2014 that will run from the beginning to the end of each month (January 2014 – July 2014). Each entrant who registers for a monthly drawing will be automatically entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Limit one (1) Entry per person for the Grand Prize sweepstakes. For the seven (7) monthly drawings, entrants are eligible to enter one time per month for a chance to win that month’s prize. All monthly entrants are required to re-enter each month for a chance to win the monthly sweepstakes. Monthly entries will not be rolled over to next month’s Monthly drawing but will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. If an entrant is a winner in a given monthly sweepstakes, they will be ineligible to win any of the remaining monthly sweepstakes. All monthly winners are eligible to win the Grand Prize at the end of the Sweepstakes Period. Entrants MUST register via the Try New Moves with Isabelle™ Sweepstakes website at www.americangirl.com/girloftheyear to register to win. All entrants will be required to provide their first name (user name), and an answer to a question (password), provide a birthday for eligibility purposes and a parent/guardian’s e-mail address for notification as a potential winner. For the names of the prize winners or a full set of rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to Girl of the Year ® 2014 Try New Moves with Isabelle Sweepstakes P.O. Box 620497, Middleton, WI 53562-0497. Please specify “winners list” or “rules” in your request. Requests must be received by September 30, 2014. SPONSOR/PROMOTIONAL ENTITY: American Girl Brands, LLC, 8400 Fairway Place, Middleton, WI 53562. Subject to complete official rules.
Sneak Previews and Behind the Scenes of Isabelle Palmer's collection @ Anna Hart!
Do you have what it takes to join Anna Hart? Then join the Try New Moves with Isabelle challenge! There are different classes to try that unlock behind the scenes footage of the new Isabelle movie! From audition videos to getting a sneak peak at the script, it's a ton of fun for everyone! Every few months until the contest ends, a new class opens!
Here's a little sneak peak at one of the behind the scenes rewards!

That's only the first page! And here's one of the designs that AG's team where thinking about for Isabelle's collection!

This one has to be my favorite! If you want to unlock more stuff, go join the Anna Hart School of Arts! See you guys soon!
Here's a little sneak peak at one of the behind the scenes rewards!

That's only the first page! And here's one of the designs that AG's team where thinking about for Isabelle's collection!

This one has to be my favorite! If you want to unlock more stuff, go join the Anna Hart School of Arts! See you guys soon!
OMG OMG OMG! I'm going to the American Girl Place in Seattle (or Alderwood Mall which by the way is no where near Seattle!) tomorrow, and I found out that I just might have enough money to get Isabelle Palmer! Of course, my mom is making the finale decision, but I really hope I can get her! Of course, I'm going to get her accessories later on, but I just can't afford them right now. Here is a picture of her accessories
I really love the motor jacket, and the gold bag. It reminds me of something that I would wear. The hair clip is super cute, and I love how she has an I.D and bus pass! I just kinda wish that on the I.D, they had a picture of either the actress playing Isabelle in the movie, or one of the paintings of her. I think it would make the card a pit more realistic. What I love more about the purse is that your doll could just hold all her stuff and it won't get lost. Then there's the arm warmers. They look more like mittens to me. I don't think I'm going to use them sadly, but I'll probably give them to my sister to use for the outfit she made for Saige. I
Who She is Page
Hey everyone! I'm back! So I thought that all day, I would write blog posts about Isabelle. This first one is the actual doll, accessories, starter pack, and the who she is page. I'm going to the store tomorrow and hopefully, this year, I can get the pictures up!

Well I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's! See you in an hour!
- Who she is: She's an inspired dancer who discovers her own way to shine
- Where she lives: Isabelle lives and attends school in Washington, D.C., surrounded by the bustle and culture of the city
- Favorite activities: Practicing ballet and designing dance costumes
- Best friends: Luisa, a modern dancer; and Gabriel, a magician
- Fun fact: When Isabelle is dancing, she sometimes pretends she's a water lily skipping and spinning across a pond
- What changes her life: The realization that she can use her design skills to help others
- What she discovers: There's no one else out there with your unique talents
- What one-of-a-kind talents do you have?
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