Sunday, April 14, 2013

Did I forget to mention?

I GOT SAIGE! Well actually, my sister got Saige a couple of weeks ago but still! I'll try as hard as I can to post a picture of her cause she wont let me take her picture :( but I'll get her picture yet! Until then, I have an announcement. Drum roll please..... I joined Pintrest! My user is either PureAlpha4Life or Moshi Durojaiye idk. Anyways, It's a just for fun Pintrest but every now or then I'll add a dash of AG news.

Until next time! XOXO!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saige Copeland Movie Update

Unless you've been under a rock, you would know that the trailer of the new movie is out! I didn't find out until this week cause I've been under a really busy schedule with track meet, forensics, school work, and ice skating. To be honest, I really hate the appearance of the front cover. The actress who plays Saige looks like she's wearing a wig, and the scenery looks a bit to fake. Well, let's just hope this movie is better than lasts years complete disaster like previous years. SYS!